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Case Studies
Case Study 1: Enhancing productivity by integrating Liasotech's oil filtration system from NAS 8 to NAS 3 within 48 hours

Liasotech Machine Performance

A prominent Metal industry leader encountered significant challenges associated with machinery downtime, maintenance expenses, and environmental compliance due to inefficient oil filtration systems within their heavy machinery.

Problem Statement:
The existing oil filtration system (ELC Machine), suffered from insufficient removal of particles. This deficiency led to accelerated wear and tear of critical machinery components, resulting in frequent breakdowns, elevated maintenance costs, and increased production downtime. These issues severely impacted the plant's productivity and profitability.

To address these challenges, Liasotech service engineer was assigned to assess the machinery, oil usage, and maintenance records. The specifications and requirements for an effective oil filtration system were determined through a meticulous evaluation process. Subsequently, the decision was made to integrate the Liasotech oil filtration system into the plant's maintenance strategy.

Results & Benefits:
Within just 48 hours of implementation, the impact was evident. Liasotech oil filtration system demonstrated remarkable performance improvements. The oil was rechecked, revealing a substantial enhancement in oil quality—specifically, the cleanliness rating improved from NAS 8 to NAS 3. This achievement underscored the effectiveness of the new filtration system in removing particulates and contaminants from the oil.

The plant officials expressed high satisfaction with the outcomes achieved. The successful implementation of Liasotech oil filtration system signifies a substantial reduction in potential machinery issues, leading to improved overall performance. This outcome not only enhances productivity and profitability but also demonstrates a commitment to environmental compliance through efficient oil filtration practices.
Case Study 2: Enhanced oil cleanliness from NAS 12 to NAS 4 led to reduced maintenance costs and minimized operational downtime.

Liasotech Machine Performance

An integrated steel producer with a greenfield manufacturing facility in India, confronted a series of hurdles including escalating maintenance expenses, frequent equipment failures, and diminished production efficiency due to contamination within its Hydraulic system.

Problem Statement:
The steel producer company is experiencing significant contamination issues within its manufacturing processes, impacting product quality and operational efficiency. The presence of contaminants poses a critical challenge, leading to increased production costs, compromised material integrity, and potential compliance risks. This problem demands urgent attention to identify the sources of contamination, implement effective mitigation strategies, and restore the company's ability to deliver high-quality steel products reliably and sustainably.
Acknowledging the necessity for a robust solution, plant authorities sought out Liasotech to implement effective filtration strategies and mitigate recurrent breakdowns.

To address the operational concerns, our dedicated service engineer was deployed to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the machinery, scrutinizing oil usage patterns and meticulously reviewing maintenance records.
After careful consideration and evaluation, the plant management opted to proceed with the installation of a Liasotech oil filtration system as an integral component of their proactive maintenance strategy. This decision was based on the reliability, efficiency, and tailored features of the Liasotech system, which aligned perfectly with the plant's specific needs and objectives for ensuring optimal performance and longevity of their machinery.

Results & Benefits:
The results of the oil filtration system implementation were quite significant. We managed to achieve a notable improvement, going from NAS 12 down to NAS 4 in a relatively short period. This shift signifies a substantial enhancement in oil cleanliness and quality.
Moreover, maintaining cleaner oil through this system led to a reduction in wear and tear on machinery components. This outcome directly converted into fewer equipment breakdowns, which, in turn, lowered maintenance costs.
Case Study 3: A Case Study in Contamination Mitigation and Operational Excellence - Rescuing Hydraulic Systems from Water Contamination in a Leading Steel Plant
The hydraulic system of an 8000 liters tank capacity in the Continuous Caster area of a leading steel plant encountered an unexpected issue of water ingress following a maintenance shutdown. This system is critical for the smooth operation of various processes in the steel plant.

Problem Statement:
During a routine online particle count visit, technicians discovered that the hydraulic oil was contaminated with water. This contamination posed a significant risk to the efficiency and functionality of the hydraulic system. The presence of water in the oil could lead to corrosion, reduced lubrication effectiveness, and potential damage to the system components, ultimately affecting the production output and safety of the plant.

In response to the contamination issue, the technicians promptly connected a Vacuum Dehydrator Filtration machine to the hydraulic system. This equipment is specifically designed to remove contaminants, including water, from hydraulic fluids. By deploying the Vacuum Dehydrator Filtration machine, the technicians aimed to restore the hydraulic oil to its optimal condition and ensure the reliable performance of the system.

Through the utilization of the Vacuum Dehydrator Filtration machine, significant improvements were achieved in the quality of the hydraulic oil. Within a few days of operation, the highly contaminated oil was successfully treated, resulting in a notable reduction in contamination levels. Specifically, the oil's cleanliness rating improved from ISO 23/23/19 or NAS class 12+ to ISO 13/11/09 or NAS class 3. This substantial enhancement in oil quality indicates the effectiveness of the solution in addressing the contamination issue.

The successful treatment of the contaminated hydraulic oil offers several benefits to the steel plant. Firstly, it ensures the continued functionality and reliability of the hydraulic system, thereby minimizing the risk of operational disruptions and production downtime. Additionally, by maintaining clean hydraulic oil, the plant can prolong the lifespan of the system components, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and repair activities. Moreover, the improved oil quality enhances the overall efficiency and productivity of the steel plant, contributing to cost savings and operational excellence. Overall, the timely intervention and effective solution provided by the technicians demonstrate a proactive approach to maintenance and reliability management, reinforcing the plant's commitment to operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

You can see the oil samples and online particle count readings below:

Liasotech         Liasotech                  
Before Filtration                  After Filtration                    Initial Reading                              Final Reading

Case Study 4: Explore how did our hydraulic oil filtration system achieve results ranging from NAS 6 to NAS 0?

Liasotech Machine Performance

One of the largest steel bar manufacturing ventures in West Bengal, faced significant challenges in maintaining oil cleanliness levels below NAS 5, impacting overall system performance. After implementing the Liasotech Hydraulic Filtration System, the plant quickly achieved the desired results, restoring optimal functionality within few days.

Problems Statement:
The Metal Processing plant struggled with oil cleanliness, failing to achieve the required NAS 5 level in one of its hydraulic systems. Despite prolonged operation of the ELC filtration system, the plant consistently experienced elevated particle counts ranging from NAS 6 to 8, leading to severe oil contamination issues affecting critical servo valves.

To address the contamination concerns, the ELC filtration system was replaced with the advanced Liasotech Hydraulic oil filtration machine. Specifically, our team incorporated premium 3-micron absolute filter elements to effectively remove particulate contamination. 

Results & Benefits:
Remarkably, the oil cleanliness levels improved from NAS 6 to NAS 0 in just a few days following implementation. Furthermore, our service engineer provided comprehensive training  to the customer's team for ensuring optimal machine operation.

Benefit observed - 
Enhanced Oil Longevity: The filtration system extended the lifespan of the hydraulic oil, reducing the frequency of oil changes and associated costs.

Prolonged Machine Component Life: By maintaining cleaner oil, critical machine parts, notably servo valves, experienced extended operational life, mitigating the risk of premature failure.

Minimal Downtime: With nearly zero breakdowns due to oil contamination, the plant achieved enhanced operational continuity and efficiency.

Case Study 5: Liasotech's Oil Filtration System: A Game Changer for Plastic Industry

Liasotech conducted a successful oil cleaning demonstration at one of our customer's sites in the Plastic industry. This demonstration was crucial for the customer, who had previously faced multiple failures with other filtration companies in their attempts to clean hydraulic oil to the required standards.


Upon initial assessment, the hydraulic oil was tested and found to have a cleanliness level of NAS >12. This was significantly higher than the system's requirement of NAS 5. The excessive contamination in the hydraulic oil posed a serious risk to the machinery's performance and longevity, necessitating immediate and effective intervention.


In response to the customer's challenge, Liasotech deployed a skilled service engineer to the site for an initial assessment. Upon testing, it was confirmed that the hydraulic oil's cleanliness level was indeed at NAS 12. To address this, we installed a 12 LPM oil filtration machine equipped with 3-micron filters, all under the supervision of our service engineer. The filtration process commenced and continued non-stop for approximately 48 hours.


The outcome of our intervention was highly successful. The filtration system reduced the oil's cleanliness level from NAS 12 to the desired NAS 5, meeting the stringent requirements of the customer's molding equipment. This significant improvement demonstrated the effectiveness of Liasotech’s technology and expertise in oil filtration.


The successful filtration of the hydraulic oil brought multiple benefits to the customer. Firstly, achieving NAS 5 ensured the optimal performance and longevity of their equipment, reducing the risk of breakdowns and maintenance costs. Secondly, the customer, impressed by the results, expressed their interest in placing more orders. This not only solved their immediate problem but also paved the way for a long-term partnership with Liasotech, ensuring sustained equipment efficiency and reliability.

Case Study 6:How a Steel Plant achieved oil cleanliness from NAS 10 to NAS 5 within just 8 hours

The Problem

An integrated steel plant in Odisha faced a significant challenge in maintaining oil cleanliness within one of its hydraulic systems, which has a 3000 liter tank capacity. Despite operating an ELC filtration machine continuously 24/7, the plant consistently recorded high particle count readings at NAS 10 or higher. Such high contamination levels posed a risk to the efficiency and longevity of the hydraulic system, making it critical to find a more effective solution to ensure system reliability and performance.

The Solution

To address the contamination issue, the plant official decided to replace the ELC filtration machine with our Hydraulic Oil Filtration System (HOFS-16). The HOFS-16 system was equipped with our finest 3-micron absolute filter elements, specifically chosen to eliminate particulate contamination in the hydraulic system effectively.

The Results

Initial Particle Count Reading - 09:30AM

The initial measurement taken at 9:30 am showed a particle count of 20/19/11, equivalent to NAS Class 10. This level of contamination was considerably high and unsuitable for the hydraulic system's optimal performance.

Final Particle Count Reading - 05:30PM

After operating the HOFS-16 filtration system throughout the day, a subsequent particle count reading was taken at 5:30 pm. The reading showed a significantly reduced particle count of 15/14/09, equivalent to NAS Class 5. This indicated a much cleaner state of the hydraulic oil, well within acceptable levels for such systems.

The Benefits:

Implementing the HOFS-16 filtration system brought several advantages:

  • The significant reduction in particulate contamination improved the hydraulic system's reliability and operational efficiency.

  • Cleaner oil helps reduce wear and tear on system components, extending their lifespan.

  • With lower contamination levels, the frequency of maintenance and associated downtime decreases, leading to cost savings.

  • Maintaining cleaner oil enhances the overall performance of the hydraulic system, contributing to smoother operations and improved productivity for the steel plant.