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Filter Replacements

Liasotech guarantees that the fit and performance of all its system replacement filter elements will meet the efficiency of the original equipment manufacturer. 

  • Our filters have the exact fit in accordance with the original OEM part to ensure performance in filtration efficiency and dirt holding.

  • Our filter materials are equivalent to or better than the specifications of the original OEM part.

  • Our filter elements have identical look and feel to the original OEM part.

  • Our filters are not just a look-alike but they are 1:1 equivalent to the original OEM part and their performance is the same as the original if not better.

Filter Types
  • Hydraulic Filters
  • Lube Filters
  • Air/Gas Filters
  • Suction Strainer Filters
  • Basket Strainer Filters
  • Panel Filters
  • Welded Filters
  • Filter Bags
Filter Media
  • Imported Glass Fiber
  • Cellulose
  • Paper
  • SS Wire Mesh
  • Wire Mesh
  • SS Sintered Metal
Equivalent Filters
  • Hydac
  • Rexroth
  • Pall
  • Parker
  • Mahle
  • Eaton
  • EPE
  • Donaldson
  • MP Filtri
  • Stauff
  • Filtrec